“…It is not deliberation!”

In the following video Beth Noveck outlines her vision for a world where public value is created by self-selected experts collaborating on platforms that mirror the collaboration process back to the participants:


This is new political theory, counter-intuitive from a Habermasian deliberative democracy perspective. It shows that it makes sense to “listen carefully” to technology.

About Philipp

Philipp Müller works in the IT industry and is academic dean of the SMBS. Author of "Machiavelli.net". Proud father of three amazing children. The views expressed in this blog are his own.

07. July 2009 by Philipp
Categories: Blog | Tags: , , , | 4 comments

Comments (4)

  1. sebastian.haselbeck@gmx.com'

    Self-selected experts, I’m sceptical. Shouldn’t we rather empower and educate the broader public rather than continuously further elitizising the democratic process?

  2. sebastian.haselbeck@gmx.com'

    Self-selected experts, I’m sceptical. Shouldn’t we rather empower and educate the broader public rather than continuously further elitizising the democratic process?

  3. read-write media literacy is probably one of the big challenges. But let us assume that this is possible (and maybe it is no much more daunting then the big literacy campaigns in the 19th Century), then we still need to ask if we want “self-selected experts collaborating?” – and actually the answer could be: yes. But it will need lots of constitutive theorizing, i.e. political theory.

  4. read-write media literacy is probably one of the big challenges. But let us assume that this is possible (and maybe it is no much more daunting then the big literacy campaigns in the 19th Century), then we still need to ask if we want “self-selected experts collaborating?” – and actually the answer could be: yes. But it will need lots of constitutive theorizing, i.e. political theory.