17 Search Results for contract society
Network Society and the Futures of Modernity
I just spent the day at the Futures of Modernity Symposium in Munich, held in honor of Ulrich Beck, the grand sociologist and author of Risk Society (1992). The idea of the event was: Throughout the world, contemporary societies are … Continue reading
World 2.0: Political Theory in Network Society
Political theory asks the question how do we create the good life? How good are historical and contemporary forms of governance and what can we do in order to improve governance for our contemporary and future societies? How do we … Continue reading
Battling for the Institutional Ecology of Network Society
[Challenge] In 2002 the world came together in Monterrey to address the millennium development goals. The goals were developed by governments for governments. Today, global problems and global interconnectedness are challenging us to reflect how we govern social life on … Continue reading
The Eight Principles of Governance in Network Society
Castells (1993 1–2)introduced the term network society to describe a society built on technologies of information technologies, time–space compression, post-Fordism, and the advance of finance capital, which is characterized by networking, globalization, and the flexibility, individuality, and instability of work. … Continue reading
governance in network society
On Monday, I was in Mexico City, invited by Lourdes (the president of CIAPEM) to a workshop on governing by network. Bill Eggers was doing the presentation on his book governing by network, which is a great introduction into the … Continue reading
Structuring Deliberation 2.0
Whenever I have talked to government officials in 2009 (in Cancun, Erfurt, Vienna, Salzburg, or Washington DC), at some point in the conversation they mention that “we need to develop new modes of interacting with citizens.” Implicit in this argument … Continue reading
Lawyers in Public Policy
I spent all day yesterday in the Residenz in Salzburg, listening to amazingly smart Austrian, Swiss, and German government officials talking about how public administration is transforming. The event was organized by the Austrian Society for Public Administration. If you … Continue reading
today in Mexico City we were thinking about the future…(here my memo, uncut, uncensored)
From: Dr. Philipp Mueller (EGAP – Tec de Monterrey, Catedra Software AG)[1] To: Participants of the Workshop “Prospectiva del Gobierno Electrónico†of Función Publica Digital Era Governance: Policy Making in Network Society The world is changing radically. We are moving … Continue reading
C-H-A-O-S and the Open Value Chain
John Maynard Keynes once famously quipped that “Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist.”There are four authors of the 20th Century that have become background knowledge … Continue reading
When in doubt, move to the meta level
Martin Reeves and his team at the Boston Consulting Group Strategy Institute have been working hard to regain BCG’s position as the world’s foremost strategic thinkers. A tough nut to crack in a time of uncertainty (world economic crisis) and … Continue reading