22 Search Results for peer production
Peer Distributing Beer
We still live in the infancy of peer production as a mode of collective action, in a sort of 1770s Great Britain. Therefore, we are still easily surprised and have not lost the sense of wonder, when we look at … Continue reading
Peer Producing Global Public Policy I (The Manifesto)
Remember the Wikipedia (peer-produced) definition of peer production: Commons-based peer production is a term coined by Harvard‘s Law professor Yochai Benkler to describe a new model of economic production in which the creative energy of large numbers of people is … Continue reading
peer producing change
If you never had the time, this is a good weekend to read Benkler’s Wealth of Networks. You could start with Chapter 3. Peer production, as a mode of production will transform our “economies” as the market system did in … Continue reading
Open Statecraft: Strategic Thinking for a Many-to-Many Society
We live in a world where information and communication technologies have confronted us with new logics of collective action that allow new forms of organization that need new forms of strategic thinking. With the digitization of value creation and the … Continue reading
C-H-A-O-S and the Open Value Chain
John Maynard Keynes once famously quipped that “Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist.”There are four authors of the 20th Century that have become background knowledge … Continue reading
…and then Machiavelli suggested opengov and radical transparency
Alex Schellong and I wrote down a longer conversation we have been having over the years and published it in the Harvard International Review: The evolution of modern society is marked by continuous rise of government size, obligations and market … Continue reading
Culture, Politics, and our Networked Lifeworlds
By: Philipp Mueller and Violetta Pleshakova In 2010, it has become a truism that culture, lifeworlds, and our political economies are transforming. It is obvious that the Web is impacting society, bringing in new lifestyles, attitudes, values, work patterns and … Continue reading
Network Society and the Futures of Modernity
I just spent the day at the Futures of Modernity Symposium in Munich, held in honor of Ulrich Beck, the grand sociologist and author of Risk Society (1992). The idea of the event was: Throughout the world, contemporary societies are … Continue reading
Reflecting the Rise of the Ideation Platform
The following entry was written by Justus Lenz with Philipp Mueller: ———————————————————- One of the “Web 2.0-type” concepts for a (semi-)structured citizen e-participation are ideation platforms. The aim of these platforms is to tap into the wisdom of crowds to … Continue reading
Pulling the Rug From Under Classical Strategy
The following guest blog was written by Sofia Elizondo from the BCG Strategy Institute. She is a long term member of the Shaping-Network-Society community and is looking forward to your comments. She has outlined several future entries, so there is … Continue reading